Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

Happy Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, my LovEs! Does anyone else feel like they’re dying right now? Not quite literally, on the physical plane at least, but on the egoic, energetic plane? There are 6 planets retrograde right now AND we are in a major eclipse portal, which means THINGS ARE MESSY AF! Btw, I used to question just how much these planetary energies truly effected us, BUT I DON’T ANYMORE! Holy moly!!! Many of our old ways of being, believing are dying off, our safety is being ripped out from under us. In some ways it’s terrifying, in others, it’s a long awaited liberation we have all deeply, subconsciously longed for. So, roll with it my friends, surrender… I mean REALLY SURRENDER. When we resist we only suffer through what is our inevitable fate. I pray for our courage and the desire to allow truth be our one and only compass. I LovE you!

Find out more over at mysticmamma.com

1 comment

  • Courage. Strength. BELIEVE and Feel what is swirling around us. Inhale and exhale. I believe good things will happen. The Universe and God can bring new beginnings and good things!

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