There must always be a slowing to the quickening, a dark to the light, a quiet to the chaos. Winter Solstice, the shortest, darkest day of the year is summoning us to slow down and drink of her medicine. She is calling us to follow her cyclical rhythms of life and sink into a moment of BEING, laying down our DOING in exchange for pause and reflection. She’s craving for us to find solace amongst the darkness, no longer running in fear, but instead, recognizing the fertile ground that exists in the nothingness and spaciousness of the unilluminated. She is calling upon us to place total trust, not only in the return of the light but also in the void and the gifts that it holds. A world created of duality is what invites us to deepen our appreciation for the brighter days and more joyful seasons of our lives, and what brings and even greater invitation to get to know the underbelly of our darker seasons. It’s an opening for us to witness and embrace our wholeness and the perfection of the cycles of creation. We are not separate from creation, nor the perfection of its cycles. If we take a moment and tune in during this peaceful Winter Solstice, Mother Nature will whisper her secrets, allowing us take comfort in knowing that in every moment of life all is truly well and perfect.
Pause. Breathe. Listen to the rustling of nature. Put your phone down for more than a moment. Listen to the callings of your heart. Dance in the pitch black of the night. Take a purifying bath. Cook a soul stirring, warm meal. Make LovE on the coziest blanket you can find. Whatever lights your soul up amidst the darkness… take pause and immerse yourself in it tonight. Then, light candles throughout your house. Give each candle a meaning. Light a few for LovEd ones who have passed. Light ones for difficult lessons learned this year and let go of any residual pain or bitterness around the situations, only keeping the lesson and giving gratitude for its teaching. Light several with new intentions and dreams for the new year. Light one in gratitude of the cycles of darkness and one in anticipation of the return of the light.
Happy Solstice my LovEs! I LovE you… in all of your darkness and your light.