We are all angels. Some days our wings feel broken. Some days we hide them away out of fear of being seen as “what we really are”…fraudulent. Some days we soar on the winds of grace and the deep knowing of our eternal goodness. I wish you more of those days, the days where it’s so undoubtedly clear just how beautiful, connected and LovEd you are. I wish for you more days of joy and truth. I LovE you! ❤️
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Marianne Williamsons quote comes to mind – “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”
Self-talk is highly important. Be careful what you believe about yourself.
Leann – one thing you should consider doing at some point is to write a devotional for women (and men actually)….seriously!!! I have read so many GREAT things up here and all have occurred on the days I REALLY needed to read them. You have such a big heart and I love that you want all of us to reach our highest potential, one that we might not even realize we’re capable of. You also have a way with words that touches people(and me). I read these posts and they make me ask myself questions and reflect on my life. I can see so much of what you write as a devotional with exercises, just a thought. Thank you for taking the time to do what you do!! Xoxo