To The One…

To the one who feels abandoned… I LovE you

To the one who speaks with the tongue of a tyrant… I LovE you

To the one who feels invisible and goes unseen… I LovE you

To the one who’s tangled up in shame… I LovE you

To the one who’s fearful of rejection… I LovE you

To the one who cannot recognize her own beauty… I LovE you

To the one who is terrified of her light… I LovE you

To the one who believes her mistakes define her… I LovE you

To the one who feels guilty when she puts herself first… I LovE you

To the one who believes she’s any less than brilliance in human form… I LovE you

To the one who believes she is scarred beyond repair by her pain… I LovE you

To the one who believes she has to please the world… I LovE you

To the little girl inside screaming “listen to me”… I LovE you

To the one who doubts her God given gifts… I LovE you

To the one who believes she’s not enough… I LovE you

To my gigantic, fractured, beautiful heart… I LOVE YOU


– Rimes

1 comment

  • This message is beautiful LeAnn! Thank you so much – I needed this – and honestly, didn’t KNOW I needed it until I read it. Thank you for all you do. Seriously. You are an inspiration that sees me through my day, over and over again. Thank you for being vulnerable and open, to help so many of us see light and spread kindness. Thank you for being a beacon, a North Star, oars when the river gets treacherous, a genuine soul who can ground us – and remind us it’s okay to be human. Thank you for cheering us on to always remember to try to love ourselves and recognize our strengths – and accept and grow from weaknesses. Thank you for reminding us to be authentic – and be OK with being our authentic selves. From the bottom of my heart, and every day, I thank you. And, in the spirit of your message, I’ll send L❤️VE right back to you! Love you much and have a great day!

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